Thursday, March 27, 2008

I love these people...

In what's turning out to be a fairly long search for sustainable (of any kind or definition) anything (clothes, registry items, etc) T-bird and I have alternating bouts of success and terrifying failure. I won't get into those here, I'm sure most of them will come out as the wedding planning progresses. What I wanted to mention today is that what we have come across that there an increasing number of really interesting sites out there on sustainable living, sustainable weddings, and in general sustainable sustainability (that's the biggest challenge for me). 

I've been trying to think of ways that I could put it all together and present it in a reasonable way for people who are interested in living more sustain-ably, but not interested (like me) in spending hours and hours sorting through the mundane details. People who just want to know (after recent science article), "So, are biofuels good or bad?" People who understand that the situation is complicated, but need an uncomplicated answer to alter their behavior - so that they can go on with their life mission - which may (shockingly to my ego) not be the pursuit of clean energy. In short, the bulk of the people invited to our wedding. is a great resource for this, by the way - but I digress.

In the search for and compilation of resources, I occasionally come across something that causes me to stop what I'm doing and really look at it. The one for today is from one of t-bird's, and increasingly as I learn more about them, one of my favorite companies in the world, Patagonia. Look what they are up to now: 

Happy footprinting...