Thursday, November 10, 2005

At the day care!

So Jack is interviewing at a daycare today. I was so nervous taking him there, but it was very cool. Camp Bow-Wow (with many locations accross the US) has a little camera that I can watch jack play on all day. That's a good way to stay focused on work. The people were really nice, too - and it doesn't look like they are beating him at all.

I think the interview is going really well, too - earlier I saw the trainer walk in with a treat for another dog, and although Jackson wasn't the intended recipient, he ran right up to her and sat down next to the intended treat receiver, who was jupting like a crazy dog. A coworker watching behid me gave me a high five for that one. I said, "he is so in."

I know, I wait a month to post and then post about doggie daycare - but this is what passes for excitement in my life - and you have to admit, it's a big thing for Jack.


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