Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm so tired of this...

I've been beaten about the ears regarding a particular belief of mine: NOW is the time to talk about climate change. Not because we don't care about New Orleanians and the ongoing tragedy, but exactly for the opposite reason - we care. The storms are getting worse. The floods are getting worse, crops are growing like weeds, fires are burning out of control in europe, and now, American citizens are out of their homes for God knows how long - maybe forever.

How can people even think that it's disrespectful to talk about this now? It's everything we have left to talk about. Let's talk about how we can either deal with climate change (anthropogenic or otherwise) or we can get people out of the way when it's coming at them.

I'm tired of being accused of being heartless, we have to do something.


Blogger fronesis said...

Don't know what more to say except that you are right: now is the time to start this discussion. But someone has to have the power to use the media to get it going. While the Bush administration is putting a good deal of effort into preventing the conversation from getting off the ground, I don't see anyone on the so-called 'left' really doing much to counter that force.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Hal said...

The storms are getting worse, you say? On what basis do you make this statement?

Do you realize that Earth may naturally go through climate cycles? Some scientists question exactly how much influence we have on "climate change." How long have we had data on this? A few decades, at best? In the period of how Earth does things, that's but a moment.

And I don't see how the Bush administration is "preventing" anyone from discussing this.

7:58 AM  

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