Thursday, September 22, 2005

Sniffle. Sniffle. Wipe. Cough.

I am sick. I'm also at home. This is the first bona fide sick day I've taken in my professional career. I once called in sick at my old job to go to the amusement park and the rest of the week after September 11 was officially (and aptly) considered 'sick' time. I've certainly decided not to go to work because I wasn't feeling like I'd be productive, but never sick. oh, and I called in hungover once, but I felt so guilty that I went in for the afternoon anyway. Guilt. It's amazing.

I don't feel any guilt today though-- I'm sick. I'm snivvelly, my head hurts, I'm coughing, and I'm cranky. Well, I'm assuming that I'm cranky. The only other living being I've hung out with for a good chunk of time today is Jack, and I can't really be cranky around him no matter what. First because he's cute, and second because I just found out today that it probably WASN'T kennel cough, but something far more DEADLY that Jack was sick with during the first weeks we lived together. (Thanks to Mom and Kate, who pointed out that article to me). Now it seems that everytime he looks at me, he's saying, "I almost died, can't I have a treat?" or "I was near death, shouldn't we celebrate life by going for a walk?"

Anyway, I digress from the point about sick days -- which are great! On my way home, as my head spun from the triple cocktail of cold medication I'd tried to get through the day, I thought about how great it is to have unplanned time at home. I could do some work, some laundry, the dishes, and maybe, if I felt well enough, do some gardening. None of that happened. Well, I did a little work. The reality is though, that I am sick. In the traditional sense. Not in the, 'yeah, i don't feel well," sense, but in the actual, 'my body won't do that right now,' sense. I think my parents, God bless them, instilled in me a weird, "you aren't sick, you just aren't 100%" attitude in me. For that reason, I think I'm able to work through a lot of little illnesses. Either that or was blessed with a rockin' immune system. None of this occured to me until today, I just always noticed that some people tend to take a lot of sick time, and others (like me) not much at all.

Whatever, the point is, that as soon as I walked in the door, I was in pajamas and asleep. (A little freaked out at first to see me, Jack fell right in line and passed out on the couch next to me (yes, it was a tight fit). After a little sleep and some work, I turned to the TV. Spike network plays 2 hours of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the afternoon, and did you know that MTV is STILL making The Real World? I watched some of that too. Then I read. Now I'm blogging. I may feel like absolute crap - not being able to breathe through my nose, coughing (ouch!), my head all stuffy and my shoulders sore (I don't get that one, but it's okay), but this has been a great day!


Blogger Kate said...

It's funny, as much as I hate being sick, I really do love sick days. I haven't taken too many either, although more in the last two years (maybe 2 or 3) than before (none). The thing about a sick day is, if you're really too sick to feel bad about missing work, is that it gives you the rare, rare feeling of guilt free relaxation. It's such an elusive thing, the ability to sack out, sleep on the couch, watch TV, and not feel a shred of guilt about it. I think that's why I liked training for the marathon - after running 13 miles I would collapse in bed and watch movies all day and for once NOT feel like I was wasting the potential of my youth etc etc - I was too tired for it. So I completely get what you're saying - and I'm glad you got to rest a little!

10:56 PM  

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